Friday, February 10, 2006




Another gem in the series of Allerseelen singles. This time in collaboration with the Catalan project O Paradis, whose member Demian was also involved on the 'Canco de Somni' single before. 'Funke' is again a fine example of the contemporary Allerseelen style. A warm atmosphere, a melody that gets you in its spell, a repetitive but effective rhythm, poetic lyrics, nice strings. "In der Wintersonnenwende / wird ein Funke in mir wahr / und aus diesem Funken / Entsteht ein ganzes Jahr." On the other side we find O Paradis, with a succeeded combination of moody Spanish folklore and atmospheric trip-hop elements. The song has nice vocals and an accessible melody. Beautiful, melancholic and mystical. This single certainly evokes some sparks!

Mysticism, poetry, reality... is it possible to find that much in so little space? The answer is yes; after constantly having been listening to this single that contains a track per side of the veterans Austrian Allerseelen and Catalan O Paradis. These two tracks create a special fascination. Both compositions, mainly lyrically, go hand in hand and develop a theme, verses that find common land between two sides of Europe and The Sun, as the eternal witness. The interaction between both musical entities started when Demian collaborated with Gerhard on the 7" “Canço de Somni/Marqués de Púbol”. Moreover, I guess the Austrian traveller, musician and researcher felt in some way fascinated by some parts of our country and O Paradis. If the name O Paradis is new for you, check out his albums “Ensueños” and “Reinos”. “Funke” (“Spark”) presents Allerseelen in its traditional cyclical songs, this time a dynamic pulse contrasting with his recent offerings on latest albums where slow tempo ballads predominate. Strong bass and melodic brilliancy helps the reciting to obtain an ideal place. While the rhythm supplies hypnotic dynamism, the melodic environment recreates enigmatical concentration: the “Wintersonnenwende”, warmer by sparks despite the sun absence, and as a new embark on a new year. That’s a good complement for “El Astro Rey”. O Paradis presents one of his best songs, pure poetry that chains that same mysticism with a more personal world and interpretation. The lack of light, i.e. knowledge, or excessive blindness is metaphorically related here: the same sparks that illuminate life, consume it. Demian’s warm voice, each time more personal and attractive, is backed by easy efficient melodies and soft guitar and bass. Slow rhythmic cadence is precise and even hides a martial inclination, a gentle ballad full of serenity and beauty. “En la noche más larga pregunto al cielo”, “during the longest night I ask heaven”, obviously, alludes to Winter Solstice and here is the clear connection with the opposite side, from where all revolves and towards all returns. I need more of this, together or sharing a work the collaboration between these two musical projects can be highly fruitful. This single obliges for wanting more. Moreover, I think both music entities are in the best moment of their career. I am sure we will witness more of this in the near future.

Mistycyzm, poezja i rzeczywistosc - czy jest mozliwe zamieszczenie tych aspektów na tak malej ilosci przestrzeni? Odpowiedz brzmi jak najbardziej tak. Zdecydowanie podpisuje sie po zgodnoscia slów promowanych przez Aorta. Podczas sluchania od dlugiego czasu stale jednego utworu weterana Allersellen - "Funke" oraz katalonskiego jedno-osobowego projektu O Paradis ("El Astro Rey") zaczynam popadac w specyficzna fascynacje tym osmio-i-pól-minutowym materialem. Wbrew strukturalnemu podobienstwu pomiedzy artystami obie kompozycje maja osobne rzeczywistosci, które definiowane sa przez ich style muzyczne. Utwór "Funke" Allerseelen to typowy, tradycyjny juz dla tego zespolu cykliczny song. Zostaly tu zatrudnione hipnotyczne rytmy, powtarzajace sie motywy zwiazane z sentyzatorem i mocnym basem. Mozna powiedziec iz caly utwór jest cykliczny, uparcie sie powtarzajacy i zapetlajacy. Spokojny charakter, zaklocany poprzez industrialno-popowy rytm to juz standard do którego Allerseelen nas przyzwyczail chociazby na wspanialym materiale "Strib Und Werde". Nawet jesli nie zignorujemy lekkiej (chyba niezamierzonej) wpadki na poczatku pojawiania sie wokalu Gerharda (pierwsze slowo jest zdecydowanie za glosno i "kladzie sie" na reszte muzyki, aby w chwile potem poziomy zostaly wyrównane do nierazacego stanu), to na pewno nie hanbi to zacnego, wyciszonego, ale jednak bardzo rytmicznego i dynamicznego utworu. Utworu, w którym przewaza enigmatyczna, monotonna recytacja. Delikatnie wygasajace iskry utwory "Funke", tworza dobry, solidny podklad pod "El Astro Rey" autorstwa O Paradis. W tej artystycznej narracji opartej na strukturze mrocznej latynoskiej pop ballady, znajdziemy nie tylko lirycznie zawartych spora ilosc metafor. Strona O Paradis reprezentuje bardziej cieplo, bardziej przyjaznie i mniej izolacyjnie. Na taki charakter na pewno wplywa stosowanie jezyka hiszpanskiego. Mimo iz sam utwór ciezko jest opisac - gdzie jest wiele sugestywnych, tradycyjnych rozwiazan (jak na styl jaki prezentuje O Paradis, dorzucajac jeszcze elementy lokalnego folku), to ma on inklinacje do bycia nie tyle co nudnawym, ale determinujacym do ciaglego powracania do strony Allerseelen. Na mój gust spowodowane jest to przecietnym glosem Demiana - który srednio wkomponowuje sie w spokojny i pogodny charakter "El Astro Rey", tworzac poczucie istnienia niezrozumialych dysonansów na przestrzeni tych 4 minut. Jednak w mojej osobistej konkluzji uwazam, iz wspólpraca obu artystów wypadla jak najbardziej owocnie. Niestey jak wspomnialem singiel jest bardzo krótki co powoduje iz na pewno do konca ciezko ocenic biezacy poziom artystów, tym bardziej ze epka stworzyla poczucie glodu na dalsze ich wydawnictwa. Na zamowiony krazek Allerseelen "Flamme" juz czekam, a jak slychac kolejna wspólpraca Gerharda z Allerseelen z kolejnym katalonskim artysta (wczesniej split z Circe) wychodzi na dobre odbiorcom rytmicznego pop industrialu. /ao/

Bei dem Allerseelen-Beitrag dieser Split-7" stehen Rhythmus und Gesang im Vordergrund - ein tanzflächenkompatibles Lied, das durchaus zwischen DAF und anderen Elektro-Pop-Formationen der Achtziger gespielt werden kann. Die katalanische Formation O Paradis verbindet geschickt mediterranen Stil mit der nüchternen Grundstimmung des Pop der Achtziger, Elektronik und eine spärlich gezupfte Gitarre. Von beiden Liedern sind die Texte abgedruckt. Eine schöne Single, sowohl lagerfeuer- als auch clubtauglich.

"Funke" von Allerseelen bohrt sich hypnotisch in mein Ohr. Auch der rezitierte Text von Gerhard harmoniert sehr atmosphärisch mit dem Rhythmus.. Musikalisch wie studiotechnisch geschieht eine ständige Weiterentwicklung bei Allerseelen. Die B-Seite mit O Paradis ist dann trocken-feurige Atmosphäre pur durch den südländischen Gesang. Optisch und auch preßtechnisch läßt diese 7" keine Wünsche offen. (Black 32/2003)

The latest item from the House of Aorta is this 45, which, as one has come to expect from this label, arrives in brilliant sleeve designed by Gerhard in co-operation with Salt. Allerseelen kick off the proceedings with Funke.After a matter of seconds it becomes clear that this track must surely count as one of the group's best ever works. Serpentine violins introduce the piece, which is driven forwards by a relentless drum pattern. Electronic stabs drenched in delay resound throughout the bass-laden fabric of the song, creating a collision between classical and industrial avant-garde. Haunting and moving in equal measures, chock-full of engaging imagery and wordplay, this poetic vignette tops off the piece perfectly. The end result is a deeply atmospheric gem which testifies to the evocative uniqueness of the soundscapes pioneered by Allerseelen. The Catalan formation O Paradis contribute a laid-back marriage of diverse percussion, guitar and bass. The depth and pulchritude of the music is quite simply a wonder to behold. Much time and effort has evidently been expended on the textured and full-bodied arrangements, but the whole retains an organic quality that seems increasingly rare in the milieu afforded by today's technology, the over-reliance upon which frequently leaves compositions sounding forced and false. Starting with the resonance of a soft electric guitar, reverberating claves and tambourines, the rhythm is picked up by a crisp snare drum, which is countered by the dark tones of a gran cassa. This then builds to a lilting refrain that is augmented by a sparkling organ passage. The entirety achieves perfection through Demian's multi-layered singing. Imploring, soft and rich, his Catalan words mark the high point of an already outstanding track. O Paradis deserve to reach a much wider audience. In conclusion, this 7" showcases the talents of two immensely creative and original artists, who should not be passed over. Music as sustenance for the soul. (Judas Kiss)

Funke ist ein souveränes Stück. Rhythmisch, schöne Melodien und Loops. Die spanische Gruppe O Paradis ist mit ihren CDs eine meiner Lieblingsbands. Portishead treffen auf Novy Svet. Sprich Trip Pop trifft Folk Noir mit einer männlich-markanten spanischen Stimme, die singen kann. Hier etwas zügiger, eingängiger, richtig gut.

'Funke / El Astro Rey" is a 7" split between Allerseelen and the highly promising Catalan formation O Paradis. Gerhard and Demian have already collaborated with Rosa Solé from Circe on the 'Canco de somni/Marques de Pubol' 7". The Sun is the central entity of this new 7" that opens with 'Funke', the Allerseelen song. The song is based on electronic sounds/loops, industrial elements and a lively and repetitive rhythm on which Gerhard lends his voice, inspired by the Sun, the Fire and the sparks ('Funke'). The sparks being one of its components... An enlightening song that one can not help playing again and again.. The O Paradis contribution 'El Astro Rey' explores another facet of this star and creates a darker mood... Another gem! The presence of all these elements makes O Paradis one of the very few exciting project of the moment: Demian's incomparable voice singing in Spanish, the variety of sonorities ranging from trip hop to folk, the melancholic and floating atmosphere and the 'little something' that makes a song an unforgettable one..Truly, one of the most beautiful O Paradis songs! A rare alchemy on a split. A record for music lovers..

Allerseelen and O Paradis join in this split in order to diffuse still ancestral folk avant-garde liturgies, with the usual quality and their bright simplicity. The Austrian side of "Funke" includes one sprightly composition, linear rhythms and poly-sensorial tensions; burning instincts transported by solemn arches and seeded by strict organs. Poetic sparks by arcane fragrances, glares of rebirths and exile turnings relieved by far-seeing Gerhard's lyrics. Romantic raptures able to anticipate the glimpse of the spirit. The Spanish side introduces "El Rey Star", an acoustic parable composed by Demian. A dim and passionate travel, accompanied by acoustic guitar, minimal rhythms and melancholic atmospheres. Oneiric reductions and rises between hectic visions and magical openings, intense premonitory reminiscences. Symbols of origins lay down carefully on luminous instruments capacities dipped in breezes of absynthe. Two contemporary guardians of the Celestial Balance.

Allerseelen e O Paradis si uniscono in questo split per diffondere ancora ancestrali liturgie folk/avant-garde, con la qualità di sempre e con la loro radiosa semplicità. Il lato austriaco di "Funke" include una briosa composizione, ritmi lineari e tensioni polisensoriali; ardenti istinti trasportati da solenni archi e seminati da severi organi. Scintille poetiche dalle arcane fragranze, riflessi di rinascite ed esuli girandole confortate dalle lungimiranti liriche di Gerhard. Rapimenti romantici capaci di anticipare lo sguardo dello spirito. Il lato spagnolo presenta "El Astro Rey", un'acustica parabola composta da Demian. Un viaggio corposo e passionale, accompagnato da chitarra acustica, ritmi minimali e melanconiche atmosfere. Discese e ascese oniriche tra febbrili visioni e magiche aperture, intense reminescenze premonitrici. I simboli delle origini adagiati su strumenti luminosi portati immersi in brezze d'assenzio. Due custodi contemporanei della Bilancia Celeste.

This split 7" of the Austrian group Allerseelen and the Catalan group O Paradis was released in April MMIII. The song Funke by Allerseelen is quite hard and almost industrial yet containing a variety of string arrangements - apocalyptic pop. The song El astro rey of O Paradis is very beautiful, similar to the folklore magico on many releases by this unique project from Catalonia, the country of Salvador Dali, Antoni Gaudi, Ramon Llull.. O Paradis released two cds, Ensuenos and Reinos, on their label El Circulo Records, both are available from Aorta too. If you like the music of groups like Allerseelen, Coil, Novy Svet, Psychic TV, Virgin Prunes, you will be in love with the beautiful and mystical songs of group O Paradis. Demian of O Paradis and the Catalan singer Rosa Solé collaborated with Allerseelen already on the 7" Canco de somni/Marques de Pubol. (..)

Ancora un sette pollici da collezione dalla premiata ditta Aorta di Gerhard aka Allerseelen. Questa volta però il musicista viennese divide il piatto con lo spagnolo O Paradis consegnando un brano a testa, “Funke” e “El Astro Rey”, vale a dire l’incontro di due culture dell’Antico Continente: il fascino mitteleuropeo del primo messo a confronto col carattere mediterraneo del secondo attraverso due piccole meraviglie acustiche cantate nelle rispettive lingue madre. Il marmoreo pop epico dell’uno duella ad armi pari col solare songwriting dell’altro reggendo ogni paragone, viaggiano insomma in perfetta sintonia perché uniti da un comune sentire che li rende entrambi speciali in modo diverso. Un prezioso dischetto che conferma la tesi secondo cui talvolta un bel singolo ha più valore di un album intero. (Rockerilla)

This split release, consisting of a track each from Allerseelen and O Paradis, is part of Aorta's vinyl series, which has seen a 7" released every year since 2000; this time focusing on the theme of the sun. The Allerseelen contribution, 'Funke' - a combination of melancholy orchestral samples, set against a relentless, somewhat off-kilter, drum kick. 'El Astro Rey' from O Paradis, is taken from their full length album, "Serpiente de Luna, Serpiente de Sol", also on Aorta. It is a memorable, vocally-prominent piece that shares a similar rhythm to the Allerseelen contribution, but with a Catalonian folk atmosphere that contrasts with the formers orchestral one. An interesting glimpse at the oeuvre of these two acts.

O Paradis

Available from Aorta:

O Paradis CD Serpiente de Luna, Serpiente de Sol

O Paradis CD Ensuenos

O Paradis CD Reinos

there is beauty in every incident of life; the true and the false, the wise and the foolish, are all one in the eye that beholds all without passion or prejudice: and the secret appears to lie not in the retirement from the world, but in keeping a part of oneself vestal, sacred, intact, aloof from that which acts and suffers.

aleister crowley, absinthe: the green goddes