Friday, February 10, 2006




Allerseelen is slowly building up a nice series of 7" singles. They are always packaged and designed with care, and the songs on them often belong to Kadmon's strongest material. Allerseelen seems to be moving further and further from the noisy industrial sound from their early days. On the cover we see a nice late 19th century Symbolist painting: the religious but at the same time sensual "Engel mit Heiligenschein" by Louis Welden Hawkins. The sleeve further offers the lyrics of the two songs, the mysterious 'Knistern' and the passionate 'Löwin', as well as a fragment from Hesse's classic "Steppenwolf". The music on the single sounds surprisingly warm, without losing its melancholic appeal. The whispering voice and the repetive, infectious melodies get me hooked. The rhythms are certainly danceable, and together with the mysterious atmosphere they create a sensual feeling. This is especially the case on 'Knistern'; a song which keeps you moving into the night, while you hear the 'knistering' sounds of the vinyl and of a burning fire. 'Löwin' sounds more mediterranean and is pleasantly cheerful. Style: mediterranean industrial dance.

Allerseelen heeft door de loop van de tijd haar industriële geluid ontwikkeld en maakt op dit moment sfeervolle muziek die raakvlakken vertoond met darkwave. De muziek doe je echter te kort door het in een genre hokje te stoppen. Deze 7" single is een goed voorbeeld van Allerseelen 'nieuwe stijl'. Beide nummers op de single zijn rustig en sfeervol. Allerseelen bediend zich van monotone ritmes met daaroverheen geplaatste loops met melodielijnen. 'Knistern' is een langzaam nummer met een mooie sfeer die opgebouwd wordt door loops van piano, cello en bas melodieën. De fluisterstem draagt bij aan de onheilspellende sfeer, en zorgt ervoor dat het nummer enigszins lijkt op het oude werk van Goethes Erben. 'Löwin' is een iets sneller nummer met een aanstekelijke gitaarmelodie als dominante factor. De vreemde celloloop, die haaks op de rest van het nummer staat, leidt in het begin even af, maar past eigenlijk heel goed binnen dit nummer. Dit is een hele goede single met twee nummers die tot het beste materiaal van Allerseelen behoren tot nu toe. De single ziet er meer dan verzorgt uit en is alleen al de aanschaf waard vanwege het prachtige hoesje. Tekst: Martijn van Gessel.

Adorned with a stunning symbolist painting by Louis Welden Hawkins, the cover of this single from Allerseelen manages to impart a simultaneously sacral and erotic aura. Knistern: Beginning with the distant strains of strings and what sound like reversed pipes, the piece develops into a heartfelt, hypnotic melange of swirling sounds which envelope the listener. One becomes entranced by the spiralling, eastern-tinged melodies that emanate from the speakers. Gerhard's voice provides a surprisingly successful counterpoint to the relaxed tempo of the beat which kicks this song along. His questioning, insistent whispers imbue the piece with a sense of urgency and longing which is echoed in the dulcet bass that undulates beneath them. Löwin: The addition of some slightly harsher electronics and piano combined with beseeching and breathless vocals benefits the track immensely, as do Gerhard's imploring lyrics. This release proves that there is a great deal of life left in Allerseelen. It suggests that the journey has really only just begun. Gerhard forges forwards, refining and expanding his musical vocabulary. His brainchild remains one of the most compelling projects active today, and as such Allerseelen bear investigation by all who have yet to discover them. (Judas Kiss)

The more recent work by Allerseelen is again combining music with literature and painting. The lyrics to both songs and a text by Hermann Hesse occupy the back cover, while the shows the painting "Engel mit Heiligenschein" by the English Louis Welden Hawkins. The music of Allerseelen is full of symbols. "Knistern" is an hypnotic titled revealed through constant percussion and repetitive enchanting melody. All is completed by pulsating bass and the reciting or whispering of the composer. This brings also new and eternal inspirations and sensations, portrayed by the ever changing essence of every song. The nearly erotic aspect of the melody within "Knistern" is accompanied also by a permanent piano. "Löwin" offers again warm atmospheres where piano and samplings have an important role when giving a place for the main voice to reveal lyrics of special love. Two new good songs. As all Allerseelen material and contributions, this "Knistern/Löwin" single is very recommended and essential to understand the eternal journey of the Austrian artist.

Allerseelen's latest 7" masterpiece-in-miniature features two new songs with a decidedly 'night music' quality, this time recorded solely by Gerhard in contrast to recent collaborations. 'Knistern' basically features whispered spoken word, a skiffly beat and quiet riffs superimposed over a sad, romantic tune. Its repetitive quality is hypnotic and encapsulates that Allerseelen hallmark of creating a dynamic tension between a traditional European melody and a more modern, upbeat rhythm. 'Löwin' is comparable in style but more syncopated, more David-Lynch-ish, and sensuously atmospheric. The cover features the religious but also gently erotic painting, The Haloes (1894), by the Symbolist painter, Louis Welden Hawkins (1849-1910), a French citizen born in Germany of English parents who is often compared to the Pre-Raphaelites. The obverse bears the German lyrics and a quotation from Hermann Hesse's famous Outsider novel, Steppenwolf.

'Knistern/Löwin' is the latest 7-inch single from Allerseelen. I am pleased to report that this single of melodic experimental pop is a commendable encapsulation of Gerhard's vision entwining philosophy with modern electronics. It maintains the percussion driven dynamism associated with Allerseelen. Both tracks feature memorable melodies and the softly spoken voice of Gerhard reciting the lyrics. A recurrent eastern motif features on Knistern propelled by electronic rhythms while 'Löwin' opts for acoustic guitars and piano. There's a sombre and melancholic air hanging over this release, and a sense of timeless beauty. On the evidence of these two tracks Gerhard is pursuing a singular approach conceptually and musically. A Hermann Hesse quotation, and a sensual and symbolic painting from Louis Welden Hawkins completes this immaculate package.

Es gibt wahrhaftig nichts Schöneres, als das Wochenende mit dieser Schallplatte zu beginnen. Die Aufnahmen nehmen sie atmosphärisch den Sommer vorweg. Den Umschlag ziert ein Bild von Louis Welden Hawkins (Der malende Engel mit Heiligenschein),so daß auch für eine gelungene Optik gesorgt ist. Zu dem treibenden (tanzbaren) Rhythmus perfekt eingesetzte Synthesizer-Klänge, Musik für frisch Verliebte, entweder vor dem Kamin und später im Garten mit einem Glas Rotwein zu genießen. Mit jeder Veröffentlichung weiß das Projekt Allerseelen erneut zu begeistern.

Ora, avete sottomano i precedenti lavori su vinile di Gerhard? Bene, provate a metterli tutti in fila, osservate le copertine, non notate niente? E allora ve lo spiego io: donne! Sempre, comunque ed ovunque. Donne. Che siano foto d’epoca, immagini d’autore oppure, come in quest’ultimo caso, un dipinto di Hawkins ritraente delle ammalianti figure angeliche, il tema (chiodo fisso?) resta sempre quello. Per carità, non fraintendete queste righe, la mia non è certo una critica di stampo misogino o chissà cos’altro. Semplicemente non posso non ammiccare un sorriso nell’osservare l’evoluzione di questo itinerario di volti femminili riportando nel contempo alla memoria lo sguardo rapito di Gerhard ogni qualvolta una leggiadra fanciulla incrociava la nostra via lungo strade innevate o silenziosi scomparti della metropolitana viennese. Forse per alcuni potrà suonare come un azzardo, ma personalmente trovo che senza donne nel mondo molto probabilmente nemmeno il progetto Allerseelen sarebbe mai esistito (e non mi riferisco certo ad una mera questione di riproduzione della specie!). La voce di Gerhard ci accompagna lungo entrambe le facciate in vinile di questo 7” dove, messa in moto un’adeguata colonna sonora, le sue parole avvolgono il tutto in maniera decisa e coinvolgente. Mentre per “Löwin” vengono in parte ripresi gli schemi di “Bist du die nacht” (dell’album “Venezia”) “Knistern” si distacca da ogni precedente forte di una freschezza che evoca sottili vibrazioni che ben si lasciano scaldare dal sensuale tepore del dipinto Engel mit Heiligenschein. Lunga vita ad Allerseelen. E lunge vita alle donne! (Occidental Congress)

Nuovo 7" per Allerseelen, secondo tradizione con cover di notevole bellezza, in questo caso riproducente una pittura del simbolista Louis Welden Hawkins. Gerhard nell’occasione ha rinunciato a collaborazioni esterne, contrariamente a quanto avvenuto negli atti più recenti, per produrre in solitudine due brani di introspettiva intimità, Knistern, che su una base ritmica ossessiva e monotona, si innerva di quasi casuali stilettate di basso, con un campionamento di sax che introduce in ambientazioni notturne che ben s’armonizzano con un recitato appena sussurrato, e Löwin, più ariosa ed immediata, una ballata condotta fluidamente dalla chitarra acustica, con conficcate scaglie di tango ed accattivanti tracce d’organo, con la voce che anche inquesto caso non si solleva mai da una piana e suadente narrazione. (Blow Up 57/2003)

This Allerseelen 7" Knistern/Löwin contains two new songs by Allerseelen. For the cover of this 7" a very beautiful, erotic painting of the English symbolist Louis Welden Hawkins was chosen. In the track Knistern, a beautiful nocturnal rhythm and a melancholic melody are melting into one another with the noises of fire, of vinyl. A song created for the forthcoming winters - and perfect for these winters is also the mediterranean atmosphere on the second song Löwin with its piano particles, its tango splinters and industrial elements. (..)

Two new songs on vinyl for Allerseelen that continues his jouney toward the within of neoclassical experimentations and melancholic vanguard ballads. Gerhard lets us enjoy again timeless images, nineteenth-century elegiac crystals, burning atmospheres under wrought-iron arches of fascination and abandon. Precious artistic, literary and historical callbacks are always present; in fact they exalt once again the quality of the artist. "Knistern" slides on fluctuating rhythms and a line of wrapping bottom, a hypnotic and bewitching rêverie between oblivious whispers and crepuscular symphonies. Instead "Löwin" is more obsessive and passionate, scratched from distorted effects, intoxicated by a decadent piano, pushed out by lyrics of fire. Mystical ardour and worldly glows: nectar of Immortal Dawn...

Nuovi due brani su vinile per Allerseelen che prosegue il suo viaggio all'interno di sperimentazioni neoclassiche e malinconiche ballate d'avanguardia. Ci permette nuovamente di assaporare immagini senza tempo, elegiaci cristalli ottocenteschi, atmosfere ardenti sotto gli archi in ferro battuto del fascino e dell'abbandono. Sono sempre presenti preziosi richiami artistici, letterari e storici, che evidenziano ancora una volta il grande valore dell'artista. "Knistern" scorre su ritmi fluttuanti ed una linea di basso avvolgente, un'ipnotica e ammaliante rêverie tra obliosi sussurri e sinfonie crepuscolari. Più ossessiva e passionale invece "Löwin", graffiata da effetti distorti, inebriata da un piano decadente, sospinta da liriche di fuoco. Ardori mistici e slanci terreni: il nettare dell'Alba Immortale.

Deux titres enregistrés en juin et août 2002 par les seuls soins de Gerhard sont présents sur ce nouveau 7" d'Allerseelen. 'Knistern' et sa mélodie mélancolique, presque lasse mêlée aux crépitements du feu, du vinyle... 'Löwin' et son atmosphère méditerranéenne, hivernale, aux sonorités voisines du 'Bist du die nacht' présent sur l'album 'Venezia'... Une belle alchimie entre musique, érotisme et charme suggérés également par la peinture du Symboliste anglais L.W. Hawkins reproduite sur la pochette du disque.. Recommandé!

"Knistern" ist der erste Teil, getragen vom langsamen, monoton-lockeren Rhythmus, welcher von einer schönen, leicht melancholisch ausgelegten Melodie unterstützt wird. Das zweite Liedgut "Löwin" wird ebenfalls von anspruchsvollen Melodiebögen getragen, allerdings sind diese im Vergleich zum vorherigen Stück mehr "lebendig". Hier tauchen auch Piano-Partikel auf, ein Akkordeon kommt zum Einsatz, Tango-Bruchstücke und industrielle Spurenelemente vermischen sich zu einem Ganzen. Für das Frontcover wählte man ein originelles, erotisches Gemälde des englischen Symbolisten Louis Welden Hawkins. Gesamtgesehen ein weiteres Kunstwerk, sowohl vom optischen wie akustischen Standpunkt aus betrachtend.

Eindrucksvoll präsentiert sich die vierte Single Allerseelens. Nach der
grandiosen Zusammenarbeit mit den katalanischen Tonkünstlern Rosa Solè (Circe) und Demian (Dakshineswar/O Paradis) nun wieder eine 7" im Alleingang. Besonders edel wirkt das Cover durch seinen Kontrast zwischen dunkelgrünem Grund und goldener Schrift, ein Textauszug aus Hermann Hesses "Steppenwolf" auf der Rückseite. So romantisch und erotisch wie das Titelbild ("Engel mit Heiligenschein" des englischen Symbolisten Louis Welden Hawkins) in warmen Goldtönen erklingen auch die beiden Lieder. Allerseelen offenbart sich immer eingängiger und melodischer, die Musik erreicht durch den Einsatz breakbeatartiger Rhythmen und eine mehr im Vordergrund stehende Stimme geradezu Pop-Qualität. "Knistern" beginnt mit einer bittersüßen Melodie, Bass und Akustikgitarre gesellen sich hinzu und verschmelzen zu einer Einheit mit dem Knistern des Vinyls, des Feuers. Zu nächtlicher Stunde ein besinnlicher Genuss.. Das Liebeslied "Löwin" ist eine Melange aus warmen Streichern in Moll, vereinzelten Pianoklängen und einem Tango-Akkordeon; die angekündigten Industrialelemente beschränken sich auf eine leicht verzerrte Melodie und fallen nicht sonderlich harsch aus... Dieser Tonträger birgt einige Neuerungen im Klangbild Allerseelens und dürfte nicht nur den treuen Liebhabern von Gerhards Tonkunst gefallen... ausdrücklich empfohlen! (Carl)